Design Agency IT Asset Management from Cardonet IT Services

Design Agency IT Asset Management

Effectively managing your design agency's IT assets can be a challenging task. Our IT Asset Management service is carefully designed to empower you to manage your IT assets more efficiently. It is customized to help you improve governance, reduce costs, ensure compliance, monitor usage, and enhance your IT security.

Our IT Asset Management (ITAM) service is intended to help you achieve a number of objectives for your design agency. It enables cost optimization and risk reduction, supports efforts to reduce your environmental impact, promotes energy efficiency improvements, enhances your insights into your technology usage, assists with audit requirements, and optimizes your licensing strategies.

Get a Design Agency IT Asset Management Quote

An effective IT Asset Management service typically involves three key stages: Asset Identification, Tracking, and Maintenance.

Our dedicated team will work closely with you to create a comprehensive inventory of your adesign agency's IT assets, which will then be integrated into our ITAM toolset for systematic monitoring and tracking. Maintenance activities will be coordinated based on each asset's specific lifecycle stage and thoroughly documented.

When discussing IT asset lifecycle stages, we primarily focus on:

  • IT Planning - We help you make informed decisions about IT asset utilization and acquisition by considering the total cost of ownership.
  • IT Procurement - We assist in finding the optimal approaches to acquiring IT assets, whether through service-based models, outright purchases, or leasing options.
  • IT Deployment - We ensure a smooth asset rollout, covering installation, integration, user access, and ongoing support.
  • IT Maintenance - We implement a maintenance schedule for upgrades and repairs to enhance usability and maximize value.
  • IT Retirement - At the end of an IT asset's lifecycle, it will be retired and disposed of according to agreed protocols.

Our IT Asset Management insights are invaluable for:

  • Baseline Software License Assessments
  • Version and Patch Management
  • Software License Optimization and Consolidation
  • Request and Inventory Management

As IT environments become more complex with solutions from various vendors, managing them becomes more challenging. Embracing our IT Asset Management service provides your design agency with an accurate overview of technology assets, ensures license compliance, prepares you for audits, and maximizes returns on your IT investments.

Design Agency IT Asset Management Benefits

Achieve cost efficiencies and eliminate unnecessary expenses.

We assist your design agency in avoiding unnecessary acquisitions of redundant software licenses and hardware devices. Additionally, we identify underutilized assets that can be repurposed before considering new purchases. This dual strategy results in cost savings and more efficient resource allocation.

Enhance compliance adherence and strengthen your risk management.

An established IT asset management solution ensures that your agency complies with software licensing agreements and regulatory mandates. Inaccurate compliance can lead to legal and financial consequences. By maintaining meticulous records and proficiently managing licenses, you reduce the potential for legal and financial vulnerabilities.

Optimise IT asset utilization.

Our team provides regular insights into technology asset usage and availability. This insight facilitates more efficient resource allocation, reducing over-provisioning and underutilization. Proper resource distribution leads to improved overall operational efficiency for your design agency.

Boost IT security and improve incident response efficiency.

Unmanaged or outdated software is vulnerable to exploitation by malicious entities. Our IT Asset Management solution actively monitors software vulnerabilities and patches, ensuring the currency and security of all IT assets. This fosters a secure IT environment. In the event of a security breach or technical concern, we promptly identify affected assets, enabling a swift issue isolation and an efficient response to minimize downtime and potential harm.

Enhance decision-making and align with your design agency's goals.

Accurate and up-to-date IT asset data empowers informed choices regarding technology investments, upgrades, and replacements. It offers insights into asset performance, longevity, and overall value to your agency. Moreover, this understanding helps align IT investments with your agency objectives. By discerning assets that enhance processes and those that don't, you are well-equipped to make strategic technology investment decisions.

Maintain an accurate and current asset inventory.

Centralising the monitoring of your IT assets allows your design agency to make informed technology choices, free from concerns of excessive spending or provisioning. This consolidated approach enables you to identify assets at the end of their lifecycle, those in need of upgrades, and those that can be optimized for increased productivity.

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More effectively steer your design agency's IT Asset lifecycle

Our proven IT team can meet all your design agency's IT asset management needs.

Design Agency IT Asset Management Features

  • Effortlessly identify new IT assets: Hardware and Software.
  • Streamline license management and ensure compliance.
  • Reliable version and patch control.
  • Efficient management of IT asset requests through request workflows.
  • Comprehensive inventory management.
  • Thorough configuration oversight.
  • Powerful reporting capabilities.
  • Ensure compliance and facilitate audit reporting.

Design Agency IT Asset Management Options

  • A full range of IT asset management features.
  • As few or as many IT asset management features as you need.

Allowing you to do more

  • Gain confidence with a reliable IT asset registry.
  • Maximise the utility of your IT assets with ease.
  • Stay well-informed about your licensing status.
  • Efficiently manage the complete IT asset lifecycle.
  • Lower the total cost of ownership of your IT assets.
  • Enable data-driven decisions for future IT procurement.
  • Strengthen risk management and compliance control.
  • Optimise operations to maximize revenue potential.
  • Enhance your return on investment in agency technology.
  • Equip your agency team with the technology they need to excel.
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Service Desk Industry Best Managed Service Provider 2018 Cardonet IT Support


  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management Certified Cardonet IT Support
  • ISO 9001 Information Security Management Certified Cardonet IT Support
  • Cyber Essentials Certified Cardonet IT Support
  • CiSP Accredited Members Cardonet IT Support
  • UK Government GCloud Certified Cardonet IT Support

Our Commitments

Our Team

We employ friendly professionals who have well-rounded experience, the ability to work in a team and a desire to be helpful.

Our Processes

We continue to invest in our systems and have the standards in place for effective, streamlined and consistent service, customized to meet your needs.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to providing remarkable IT services that improves your performance, increases your productivity and protects you.

Our Promise

We value long-term relationships built on trust. To achieve that, we deliver fully supported vendor neutral solutions that are essential and reasonably priced.

Trusted to deliver expert IT Services by

Best Western Hotels IT Services Partner
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Book your Free IT Cost Review

Do you feel that you are paying too much for your IT or feel that you are not enjoying good value from your investment? That could be the cost of your:

  • IT Department Headcount
  • Outsourced IT Support Provision
  • Infrastructure and Hosting
  • Vendor Relationships and Licensing
  • Communications
  • Connectivity

Our senior team will use their deep industry knowledge and experience to provide you with a free, independent analysis of your IT delivery and costs.

Now is the time to seize the opportunity to review, rethink and reduce.

Book your IT Cost Review today

IT Outsourcing Due Diligence Checklist pdf Download
Download your comprehensive IT Outsourcing Due Diligence Checklist

This comprehensive IT Outsourcing Due Diligence Checklist will guide you and ensure you ask the right questions as you search for the right IT partner for your organization.

Download your checklist now

We will take complete responsibility for managing your design agency's IT assets

Call us on +1 323 984 8908, email us at or fill out the following form to start the conversation.

For further information on how we process your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Our Technology Partners

Accredited Microsoft Partner IT Services
Accredited Cisco Partner IT and Networking Services
Accredited Sonicwall Gold Partner Security IT Services
Accredited VMware Partner IT Virtualization Services
Accredited HP Enterprise Partner IT Infrastructure Services
Accredited Veeam Partner IT Backup and Replication Services
Accredited Ruckus Partner IT Services
Accredited HP Partner IT Hardware Services
Accredited Mimecast Partner IT Security Services
Accredited Apple Mac Partner IT Services
Accredited Ubiquiti Networks Partner IT Services
Accredited ESET Partner IT Antivirus Services
Contact TOP
Cardonet Consultancy Limited 7 Stean Street London, Greater London E8 4ED
London Map +442030342244
Cardonet US Inc 750 N. San Vicente Blvd, West Hollywood Los Angeles, California 90069
Los Angeles Map +13239848908
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